

The mission field is defined as any domestic or international location wherein the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached as taught in Mark 16:15. Our mission programs involve: preaching the gospel message of Jesus Christ, support and training of missionaries, development and coordination of campaigns and special efforts, i.e. vacation Bible schools, medical support, building projects and other areas like these. Our aim is to spread the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the lost souls of the earth through five main areas: Belgium-Netherlands, Ecuador mission, domestic mission, other foreign mission fields and World Bible School mission.

Local International Missions
Jail Ministry

Our mission is to spread the gospel in the local jail, and to provide help and support after release in local church placement and job opportunities.


Every Tuesday night at 7:30 (for the men only) worship service.
Thursday night worship services rotating with other churches of Christ in Abilene
(usually about two times a month).
Individual Bible Studies for men on Saturday.
We also minister to individuals getting out of prison who are Christians and/or are seeking God. Providing Bible Studies and guidance for people during their adjustment period and also ongoing spiritual support.Oldham Lane provides special classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for new and non-Christians. [email protected]

World Bible School

Welcome to the World Bible School at the Oldham Lane Church. Truly you can share Jesus with others using World Bible School. World Bible School has numerous students all over the earth.

There are two major types of ministries in World Bible School. The largest ministry is the postal form of World Bible School. This involves sending paper WBS lessons via the postal services to students in America and to many foreign countries. This “snail-mail” ministry is the only way we can reach people who do not have practical and economical access to computers. We have a very active postal WBS program at the Oldham Lane Church and you are welcome to join this ministry. You can choose to have your own students. If so, you are welcome to use the WBS booklets and supplies that we have at no charge to you. You can also take advantage of our postal program and send your lessons via the services at the Oldham Lane Church. You can also work with the OLC WBS team in whatever ministry you choose. We always need graders. We now have both English and Spanish postal WBS ministries. Our most frequent students currently come from Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

We started as of February 2016 the “postal P.R.E.P. program.” This program is coordinated from WBS in Austin. They shipped thousands of WBS lessons to Ghana and they are recruiting students in secondary schools to become WBS students. These students complete the WBS lessons and WBS workers in Ghana then send the students’ answer sheets to the US churches who are participating via the Internet (Dropbox). This bypasses many obstacles and greatly speeds up the process. After grading by WBS workers here, the answer sheets are sent back via the Internet (Dropbox). We will need a lot of graders when the answer sheets arrive.

The other WBS ministry that is rapidly growing is the Internet WBS. Anyone in the world can access the Internet WBS ministry by simply logging on to worldbibleschool.org. In the same way, the WBS teachers are able to grade the WBS students’ lessons from a computer or hand-held device from anywhere in the world. If you would like to become involved in this ministry, simply log on to worldbibleschool.org and sign up as a teacher. After you are cleared, you will then be able to select your students and work with them. There are many students who sign up on WBS via the Internet website, but these students want postal lessons. So it is beneficial for you to be involved in Internet WBS even if you do postal WBS because you can get more students at the WBS website.

If you have any questions about any of these things, or if you need any help, just let us know. Feel free to question Vic Vadney or other WBS workers. We certainly need your help.

Below you will find two icons that will take you to either the English Internet WBS, or the Spanish Internet WBS.


Several members of the Oldham Lane Church of Christ participate in medical evengelism trips to Guatemala in July and November. On these trips our members join with other Christians from various Churches of Christ throughout the United States to form a medical/dental team organized by Health Talents International whose goal is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching and healing ministries.

These teams work in cooperation with local congregations of the Churches of Christ in and around the city of Chichicastenango, GUA. Clinics are most often held in church buildings with the assistance of local church members. The model is to partner with and empower local churches, providing them with opportunities for them to minister to their communities.

The teams work with a full time North American physician missionary located in Chichicastenango, along with native Christian physicians and dentists and Guatemalan support personnel while on these trips. Opportunities to participate in these trips exist for physicians, dentists, PA, FNP, nurses, pharmacists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and non-medical people who can provide auxiliary services, such as teaching children’s Bible lessons, etc.


Scott and Shirley Raab

Belgium and the Netherlands

Scott and Shirley Raab are longtime missionaries in the Lowlands of Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands). They serve a church in Maastricht, Netherlands, and are active in a variety of other ministries in that part of Europe.